The 13th Workshop on Accelerator Operations (WAO) will take place in
Tsukuba from September 10th to 15th, 2023.
WAO 2023 is organized by the KEK and QST (Japan).
The series of WAO international workshops facilitates fruitful
discussions and collaborations on particle accelerator operations
among specialists from world's leading accelerator institutes. The
first WAO workshop was held in 1996 by JLab at Newport News, US. Since
then, the workshop has been organized biennially by accelerator
institutes in Europe, America and Asia.
The WAO 2023 program will include contributed talks, as well as poster
sessions and parallel discussions. It will cover a wide range of
topics related to the operations of particle accelerators. Please join
this workshop and share your experiences with us.
We are looking forward to a lively workshop and hope to meet you in person at WAO 2023.